November 19, 2008

The inverse relationship between using minicom and maintaining my sanity

Minicom, the canonical serial port communication program for UNIX/Linux, is one step above (stty 9600;echo "command") >/dev/ttyS0.

Here's a quick guide to help save your sanity when connecting to the console on (for example) a Brocade FiberChannel switch.

When you start, you'll need to hit Control-A and then the O key to enter the configuration menu. Select "Serial port setup" and set the appropriate Bps/Par/Bits based on your documentation. If you don't know, try 9600 8-N-1.

Next, to truly save your sanity, disable hardware flow control. Otherwise you can often see the console but never interact with it. Once you're done, save the changes.

When I did this, I was never able to get Minicom to show that it was "online" but I was able to connect to the switch and make changes.