January 1, 2013

Using PostgreSQL's native JSON support in Play Framework 2.1-RC1

I have been experimenting with PostgreSQL 9.2's native json datatype, and wanted to have Play Framework 2.1-RC1 automatically convert the raw PostgreSQL JDBC PGobject object into a Play-specific JsValue object. Neither Play nor JDBC understand PostgreSQL's native json datatype, so neither library provides an implicit conversion. Automatic conversion can be performed by defining a parameter extractor. Without a parameter extractor, a compilation error will occur:
could not find implicit value for parameter extractor: anorm.Column[play.api.libs.json.JsValue]
In my case, I could have worked around this by extracting the value as a String and parsing this value. Note that because the data field is marked NOT NULL, I don't need to use an Option[String] in the extractor.
get[Pk[Long]]("sample.id") ~
get[String]("sample.data") map {
  case id~data => Sample(id, Json.parse(data))
For INSERTs and UPDATEs, I'm using the PostgreSQL CAST keyword as I haven't experimented with how to get the JsValue object converted transparently into a JDBC object (presumably of type PGobject) or defining a new varcharjson CAST on the database side. Without the CAST() the INSERT fails because the JDBC driver doesn't set the proper type:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "data" is of type json but expression is of type character varying
Hint: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
Here is the sample schema:
  id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  data json NOT NULL
Here's how a Sample model looks:
package models

import anorm._
import anorm.SqlParser._
import play.api.db._
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.libs.json.{Json,JsValue}

case class Sample (
  id: Pk[Long] = NotAssigned,
  data: JsValue

object Sample {

  val extractor = {
    get[Pk[Long]]("sample.id") ~
    get[JsValue]("sample.data") map {
      case id~data => Sample(id, data)

  implicit def rowToJsValue: Column[JsValue] = Column.nonNull { (value, meta) =>
    val MetaDataItem(qualified, nullable, clazz) = meta
    value match {
      case pgo: org.postgresql.util.PGobject => Right(Json.parse(pgo.getValue))
      case _ => Left(TypeDoesNotMatch("Cannot convert " + value + ":" +
          value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass + " to JsValue for column " + qualified))

  def list() = {
    DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
      ).as(Sample.extractor *)

  def create(data: JsValue) = {
    DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
          INSERT INTO
            CAST({data} AS json)
          RETURNING id
        'data -> Json.stringify(data)
This approach is inspired by and adapted from a StackOverflow question.